Established in 1999 Towerhall Solutions has become one of the most efficient Repossession Companies in the field. For years we have assisted in many cases for Solicitors, Insurance Companies, Banks & Finance Houses, Debt Collection Companies and Local Authorities. Towerhall Solutions Ltd offers a door to door service not just for Repossessions but also for the tracing of customers/debtors. Our team are continuingly traveling the UK undertaking Asset and Vehicle Repossessions, Voluntary Terminations and more recently end of Lease collections, to us no part of the UK is too far! Towerhall’s tracing experience combined with our specialised field team has proven to produce greater results in shorter time. Upon Repossession or a visit we always provide a vehicle inspection report, which will include photographs. Our comprehensive tailored insurance policy enables us to collect financed good with the value up to £1,000,000.
Towerhall are authorised by the FCA and all tracing methods are compliant with the GDPR. Our methods work within all guidelines and formalities; we search and scan for the debtor through our secure database and collate and identify all information needed so that we have all correct and sufficient information.
+44 1342 718300
Phone: +44 1342 718300
Email: info@towerhallsolutions.com