This issue we look at the Brexit saga and where the car industry is placed for a hard no-deal
We look at telematics and how it could impact car ownership and aid car usership.
There is a feature on the UK government's Road to Zero policy and how certain OEMs are stepping up to the plate and pushing the carbon-neutral envelope.
We assess how the FCA is looking at credit scoring and what this might mean for the UK car industry
There is data on the global car cost index and how EVs and alterantively fuelled vehicles are quickly becoming more cost competitive to their ICE cousins.
There are also features on how digitalisation is affecting contract hire and leasing, and advice on avoiding complaints escalation and responsibility for leased car repairs with regard to dealers, funders, and consumers.
This is also my last edition as Motor Finance editor, with Chris Lemmon replacing me as deputy editor in the future.
I hope you enjoy reading it.
Brian Cantwell, Editor